Jasper Gibson's novel depicting the life of a man, Tom, who is diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Animated Trailer

Directed by Lewis Heriz

Animation by Lewis Heriz and Tom Humphreys


Presentation Medium:

Digital video, Stereo


Digital drawing, TVPaint, Adobe After Effects


9:16, 0m40s

The Octopus Man follows Tom, a former lawyer, now jobless and stuck in the psychiatric system due to a schizophrenia diagnosis linked to heavy psychedelic drug use earlier in his life. The trailer needed to depict his inner turmoil during an episode, coming into direct contact with Malamock, the diety that dictates his every thought and movement.

I brought animator Tom Humphreys on board to help animate the cephalopod attack sequence. Sound design by me under the direction of Jasper Gibson.

© Lewis Heriz 2024

All enquiries: [email protected]